Table of Contents

1st Workshop on

Memory-Centric Computing Systems (MCCSys)

Workshop Description

Processing-in-Memory (PIM) is a computing paradigm that aims to overcome data movement bottlenecks by making memory systems compute-capable. Explored over several decades since the 1960s, PIM systems are now becoming a reality with the advent of the first commercial products and prototypes. PIM can improve performance and energy efficiency for many modern applications. However, there are many open questions spanning the entire computing stack and many challenges for widespread adoption.

This combined tutorial and workshop will focus on the latest advances in PIM technology, spanning both hardware and software. It will include novel PIM ideas, different tools and frameworks for conducting PIM research, and programming techniques and optimization strategies for PIM kernels. First, we will provide a series of lectures and invited talks that will provide an introduction to PIM, including an overview and a rigorous analysis of existing PIM hardware from industry and academia. Second, we will invite the broad PIM research community to submit and present their ongoing work on memory-centric systems. The program committee will favor papers that bring new insights on memory-centric systems or novel PIM-friendly applications, address key system integration challenges in academic or industry PIM architectures, or put forward controversial points of view on the memory-centric execution paradigm. We also consider position papers, especially from industry, that outline design and process challenges affecting PIM systems, new PIM architectures, or system solutions for real state-of-the-art PIM devices.

Procedure for Selecting Presentations

This workshop consists of invited talks on the general topic of memory-centric computing systems. There are a limited number of slots for invited talks. If you would like to deliver a talk on related topics, please contact us by filling out this form. The submission deadline is February 28, 2025, 23:59 AoE. We invite abstract submissions related to (but not limited to) the following topics in the context of memory-centric computing systems:


YouTube livestream



Tutorial Materials


Invited Speakers


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